Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Grandad passed away night before last. He seems to have gone as peacefully as could be expected.

Father-in-law is in the ICU in critical but stable condition. He was supposed to see a specialist tomorrow about getting his gallbladder removed but I guess that will have to wait now. The procedure is high-risk because he has NASH syndrome and the possibility of knicking the liver during the surgery is highly dangerous.

He has severe dehydration, a urinary tract infection which has spread so that his blood is septic, liver failure, kidney failure, low blood pressure which is being medicinally raised, and he has been intebated due to a build-up of fluid in his lungs. Any prayers on behalf of our family would be appreciated.


The Solomon Fam said...

Oh I'm so sorry Amy. I will definitely keep you all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers!!!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear that your family is going thru so much right now. If you need anything let me know. Seriously, call me anytime if you need a friend.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

Oh Amy, I am so sorry about your grandad. I know you were expecting it, but it is still always sad. I wonder if he will send off your new little baby!? I am so sorry about your Father-in-law. I hope things get better there. I hope you are taking care of yourself, you need your strength for the upcoming day! love you!

Kristy said...

We just started a blog and wanted to give you the address. I am not going to let anyone delete it this time.

Stefanek Fam Damily said...

i'm sorry to hear that. and very sorry about father in law as well. he and all of you will be in my thoughts and prayers. hope things get better for you all.

Kim said...

I'm sorry for your loss and that so many things are going badly for you right now. I hope your fil is doing better. Hopefully we can get together and go to the bakery soon.