Saturday, March 22, 2008

Slots and That Dirty Slut: Mr. Yuke(4) Goes Vegas


A couple months ago, during our last round of dominoes, Mr. Yuke(4) called me to the bathroom.
"Mom, I slotted."
"I slotted. I tried to poop but lot of slot came out."
I have not looked at a slotted spoon the same ever since.

Now for the other:

In January our local grocery store parking lot became a quagmire of thick not-exactly-snow-more-like-soft-slush. It wouldn't go away and had become quite deep; deep enough to cover Mr. Yuke's(4) shoes in fact.

Husband took Mr. Yuke(4) to the store one night. When Mr. Yuke(4) jumped out of Max, his feet were instantly immersed in ice-cold mush.
Mr. Yuke(4): Ughh! I hate that dirty slut!
Husband: WHAT?!
Mr. Yuke(4): That slut- (points)- I hate it.
Husband trying not to laugh: Oh. Slushhhhhhhhhhhh.
Mr. Yuke unable to hear properly due to wind: Don't shush me! I HATE THAT DIRTY SLUT!!!
Man Walking By: sputter choke gasp guffaw


Lindsey said...

I hate that dirty slut too! :) Of course I mean, SLUSH. :)

Kelly said...


Kelly said...

still laughing....hahahahahahahahah....

Tiercy said...

That is a great story and should make a top ten somewhere...thanks for sharing it with us. It was fun chatting with you the other night in the car.

Not quite the Bradys said...

Done. Thanks for the suggestion!

Anonymous said...

That's phenomenal! I love when my kids make those kinds of innocent mistakes!

Elise said...

I just laughed so hard!